Gift message

Where will my gift message appear?

Want to add a gift message to your order but not sure where it’s going to appear?

Your message will be printed on a plain gift card and attached to the top of the box in a paper document pouch - so don’t worry, it won’t be seen by the postie! The pouch is located next to the address label and it is visible on the top of the box, so don't worry, they won’t miss it!

How can I add a gift message?

Want to add a gift message to your order?

During the checkout process a box will appear where you can add your desired gift message the message will be printed on a plain gift card and attached to the top of the box in a paper document pouch - so don’t worry, it won’t be seen by the postie! The pouch is located next to the address label and it is visible on the top of the box.